Side Quests

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Opening Procedure

Quest Title Description Task Rewards
Opening Procedure To prepare for upcoming orders, it's a good idea to have materials ready in advance. Shall we make some straw straps? Craft 10 straw straps. 12 Gold, 2 Sparkle Rainbow Random Dye, 6 EXP
Color Dye! Would you like to try the color dye I gave you? You can use it to dye various items in the dressing room with different colors! Use 1 Sparkle Rainbow Random Dye. 24 Gold, 11 EXP
Nice Sofa The sofa you gave me last time was quite nice. I'm wondering if you could make another one... I will pay for it, of course. Deliver 4 nature organic sofas. 132 Gold, 11 EXP
Shall We Craft? It seems like the strawberry-scented candles are getting a positive response among the villagers. Since there might be orders coming in, should we make some in advance? Craft 4 strawberry scented candles. 39 Gold, 18 EXP
Boxes of Candles! Friend! Do you have any more strawberry scented candles to give me? It's a shame to use it by myself, so I want to share it with everyone! Deliver 8 strawberry scented candles. 351 Gold, 18 EXP
S.L.C Activity (1/4) My friend! I made a club and its name is [S.L.C]! However, I need more strawberries for club activities! Harvest 10 strawberries. 68 Gold, 27 EXP
S.L.C Activity (2/4) I came up with the name [S.L.C]! What a curious look on your face! Hah! If you want to know the meaning, sell strawberry cakes for me! Deliver 5 strawberry cakes. 270 Gold, 27 EXP
Helping Lumberyard (1/5) Orders are pouring in at the lumberyard. It's difficult to gather the materials alone. I'm asking for help. Harvest 20 pine tumber. 81 Gold, 40 EXP
Helping Lumberyard (2/5) Wood sticks are useful everywhere. ...Keep that in mind. Craft 10 wooden sticks. 108 Gold, 62 EXP
Helping Lumberyard (3/5) My wife... mentioned that she needs a lot of spice containers for cooking. Can I ask for your assistance? Deliver 5 wooden spice jars. 947 Gold, 97 EXP
Helping Lumberyard (4/5) Though more challenging to make than sticks, wooden boards... need to be prepared for the incoming orders. Craft 10 wooden boards. 122 Gold, 97 EXP
Helping Lumberyard (5/5) Many orders have come in for fruit baskets. It's tough to handle alone. Can you lend a hand? Deliver 5 fruit baskets. 1,485 Gold, 155 EXP
S.L.C Activity (3/4) I heard many townspeople love strawberry but no one is joining the club... How tragic... Harvest 20 strawberries. 174 Gold, 251 EXP
S.L.C Activity (4/4) We must promote to boost S.L.C. It would be outstanding to hand out some sample food made from strawberries. Deliver 5 bread and strawberry jam. 594 Gold, 251 EXP
Harvest Contest! There's a contest to judge the quality of the harvested items for the festival! How about participating in it, [Name]? Deliver 15 apples. Deliver 30 wheats. 1,040 Gold, 413 EXP
Harvest Contest Round Two! I heard your contest entry received favorable reviews and they're encouraging you to submit for the second round. How about showcasing these crops? Deliver 10 tomatoes. Deliver 20 strawberries. 1,183 Gold, 413 EXP
Final Judgement! I heard you passed the second round as well. Now, only the final judging remains, so submit the crop you're most confident in. Deliver 20 milk. 881 Gold, 691 EXP
The Winner's Delivery! [Name] won the competition! Now all that's left is to deliver produce for festival sales! Deliver 10 cottons. Deliver 10 tomatoes. 1,841 Gold, 691 EXP

Game Features

Quest Title Description Task Rewards
For Good Habits If you're thinking about creating good habits, try practice small tasks everyday. Complete all daily missions. 122 Gold, 40 EXP
Self-Introduction Oh! Friend! This is the age of self-promotion! Let's [introduce ourselves] charmingly! Otherwise, no one will come to visit, right? Edit greeting. 24 Gold, 10 Heart, 11 EXP
Model of Workshop It seems like something is missing to promote the workshop... How about using a model to attract more customers? The model could be you, [Name]! Use shortcut button to change profile photo. 39 Gold, 40 Heart, 18 EXP
Welcome to My Home! By clicking [Friend List], you can come to my house! Would you like to visit my house too? Use shortcut button to check friend list. 68 Gold, 27 EXP
Other Workshops? How about making friends with residents from other workshops this time? When you become friends, you can do various things! Add 2 friends. 68 Gold, 50 Heart, 27 EXP
Let's Go for a Visit! Are you curious about what workshops in other villages are like? Let's go visit and experience various things! Visit 2 friends. Earn 6 hearts. 81 Gold, 50 Heart, 40 EXP
I'm So Hungry! Feeling hungry? How about going to other workshops to enjoy delicious food? Don't forget to say tank you after the meal! Eat food at friend's houses 3 times. Write 1 time on friend's guestbook. 174 Gold, 251 EXP
Share on Timeline! Since you've enjoyed delicious food, how about leaving a review on the timeline? You can freely write on the timeline! Write a post on timeline. 100 Heart

Workshop Environment

Quest Title Description Task Rewards
Workshop Environment To attract customers, the workshop needs to be well-decorated. If you give me the strawberry cake from last time, I'll give you a window I made. Deliver 5 strawberry cakes. 270 Gold, 1 Window, 27 EXP
Ventilation Needed! Without windows, the air in the workshop isn't good. Take out the windows from the [Storage] and arrange them... Place 1 basic wood window. 68 Gold, 27 EXP
Exchange with Baskets My wife is skilled at making delicious food... but we're lacking baskets to store the food she makes. If you give me a basket, I'll exchange it for a chair. Deliver 10 eco baskets. 336 Gold, 1 Basic Wooden Chair, 40 EXP
Place Some Chairs It's a simple chair I made. It will fit anywhere, so try installing it. Place 1 basic wooden chair. 81 Gold, 40 EXP
Bunch of Sofas I'm good at making wooden furniture, but you're better at making it with straw. Can you suppky sofas? Deliver 3 nature organic cushion sofas. 495 Gold, 1 Table, 62 EXP
Place to Put Stuff Oh! Friend! I wanted to share food with you, but there's no place to put the food. What a predicament! Place 1 basic wood table. 108 Gold, 62 EXP
Sofa for Two Isn't it lonely to have only one chair when you visit? If you could give me some pine tree timber, I'll ask Mr. Kuman to make a chair. Deliver 5 pine timber. 400 Gold, 1 Basic Double Chair, 62 EXp
Cozy Loveseat! Friend! Could you please place the sofa I gave you? I'm so excited! Place 1 basic double chair. 122 Gold, 97 EXP
Take a Break! Created a space to welcome guests while I was away, eh? But it seems like you don't have a place to rest? Deliver 5 wooden boards. 819 Gold, 1 Basic Cotton Bed, 97 EXP
Resting on the Bed When folks rest, they ought to rest. How can you work all the time? Good sleep and rest lead to great creations, they say. Place 1 basic cotton bed. 122 Gold, 97 EXP
Efforts Makes (1/2) I reckon you haven't been neglecting making flower pots lately? Hm. Why not try making one? Deliver 2 green foforest vases. 449 Gold, 1 Basic Rounding Rug, 97 EXP
For a Cozy Space To make guests stay longer, you need a cozy space. For that, you gotta pay attention to floor decorations. Place 1 basic rounding rugs. 158 Gold, 155 EXP
Efforts Makes (2/2) Now that you've tried making flower pots, how about making a vase this time? Regular practice keeps your skills sharp. Deliver 5 red foforest vases. 1 Fine Wood Grain Wallpaper, 1 Ivory Stone Tile, 155 EXP
Wallpaper and Flooring! Place 1 fine grain wallpaper. Place 1 ivory stone tile. 158 Gold, 155 EXP
Wife's Request My wife... asked me to get strawberries. Of course, it's not for free. I'll give you something too. Deliver 30 strawberries. 833 Gold, 1 Natural Stone Middle Wall, 155 EXP
Using Partitions Use the half wall to separate spaces. Try installing it where you want. Place 1 natural stone middle wall. 174 Gold, 251 EXP
Show the New Space! Oh? The workshop has become nicer? Since there might be villagers like me who don't know, let's promote it! Use the shortcut button to show off workshop. 174 Gold, 251 EXP

S.L.C Advertising!

Quest Title Description Task Rewards
S.L.C Advertising! Friend! Now that I've become the Honorary Chairman of S.L.C., I need to promote it! Please make a dish to let everyone know how delicious strawberries are! Craft 1 strawberry cake. Place 1 strawberry cake. 195 Gold, 25 EXP
Who to Promote? Shall we invite the villagers? Touch the food and select the villagers you want to invite from the list! Invite for food 1 time. 174 Gold, 30 Strawberries, 15 EXP

Mimi, What's the Matter?

Quest Title Description Task Rewards
Mimi, What's the Matter? Oh no! Neow is going out on a school trip, but I haven't prepared anything...! Harvest 20 cottons. 742 Gold, 139 EXP
First Step, Materials! (1/2) You can get lamb leather from Robin's Shop! Buy 5 sheepskins. 174 Gold, 82 EXP
First Step, Materials! (2/2) I still need more materials... What should I do? Craft 6 pieces of cotton fabric. 385 Gold, 56 EXP
Dress Up and Let's Go! I haven't even dressed Neow yet. I need to hurry and dress her up! Craft 1 fitting completed two-button simple dress. Craft 1 fitting completed two-button simple trouser. Craft 3 red ribbons. 624 Gold, 63 EXP
For the Lunch Box (1/4) Now, I need to prepare lunch. Oh! But first, the ingredients... Harvest 20 strawberries. Harvest 10 apples. 394 Gold, 188 EXP
For the Lunch Box (2/4) Neow likes sweet food! I should pack only the food Neow likes! Craft 3 sandwiches. Craft 3 apple pies. 316 Gold, 56 EXP
For the Lunch Box (3/4) Neow says that she needs more... Could you prepare more for her? Craft 3 crispy blueberry pies. Craft 3 Berry Berry Tarts. 562 Gold, 56 EXP
For the Lunch Box (4/4) I need a sturdy basket to hold the food. Craft 5 eco baskets. Craft 5 fruit baskets. 562 Gold, 82 EXP
Forgot Something? Oh! Thinking about it, there were materials to prepare! Craft 5 basic rounding rugs. 1,980 Gold, 139 EXP
Ready for the Field Trip All done! Now she just needs to take her friend's hand! Visit 3 friends. 174 Gold, 50 Friendship Lucky Ticket, 33 EXP

Starlight Lab

Quest Title Description Task Rewards
Starlight Lab? [Name], I have a favor to ask. Listen to Mary's story. 572 Gold, 592 EXP
Starlight Lab Supporter! We need your support. Consider joining a guild that you like. Join a guild. 572 Gold, 3 Paper?, 592 EXP

Lucky Draw Gacha

Quest Title Description Task Rewards
Sandy's Invention, Lucky Draw? Sandy made a lucky draw. There's probably something you need, too. Would you like to give it a try? Listen to Robin's story. 25 Happy Lucky Ticket
Try Lucky Draw! Use the ticket I gave you to try the lucky daw. Aren't you curious about what item will come out? I hope it's something you really need. Try Happy Lucky Draw 1 time. 75 Friendship Lucky Ticket


Quest Title Description Task Rewards
Robin's New Wind (1/2) New products have arrived at Robin's Shop. I bought one, thinking it would suit you well. Would you like to take it? Listen to Robin's story. 329 Gold, 1 Harvest Speed Up Perfume, 207 EXP
Robin's New Wind (2/2) I'd like to see if the perfume suits you. How about trying it once? Perfumes often have special abilities, so give that a try. too. I'm sure you'll like it. Use 1 Standard Harvest Speed Up Perfume. 1 Craft Skill Perfume, 1 Harvest Speed Up Perfume, 1 Craft Speed Up Perfume

Hot Air Balloon Expedition

Quest Title Description Task Rewards
Hot Air Balloon Explorers! Hi [Name]! How's everything going? Can you help me a bit? Listen to Sandy's story. 572 Gold, 592 EXP
Explorers, All Aboard! (1/2) I want to explore the end of this world someday! Let's start by organizing a hot air balloon exploration team and sending it out! Dispatch 1 hot air balloon expedition. 572 Gold, 5 Gem, 352 EXP
Explorers, All Board! (2/2) When... the hot air balloon expedition team arrives, you can receive the exploration completion rewards... Complete 1 expedition. 572 Gold, 3 Supernova Flash Comet Piece, 352 EXP

Individual Side Quests

Quest Title Description Task Rewards
Maintaining Customers Requests from residents of other towns are also posted on the request board! Fulfilling these requests could help spread the word about the workshop! Complete 3 requests. 174 Gold, 251 EXP
Duck Cleo's Reading Event ?? (Miss) Deliver 2 bread and strawberry jam. Deliver 2 apple pies. 443 Gold, 1 Wooden Round Table, 29 EXP
Springboard for Growth Running a workshop requires creating a variety of items to attract customers. Speaking so, I think taking requests is important. Complete 3 requests. 251 Gold, 691 EXP
The Lost Ring Last time, I think I lost my ring here. Let's eat first and then look for it. Of course, you'll help, right? Place 1 apple pie. Place 1 strawberry cake. 234 Gold, 5 Blueberries, 36 EXP
A Helping Hand It seems like you've been quite busy running the workshop lately, so I wanted to offer my help. Harvest 10 pine timber. Harvest 10 cotton. 648 Gold, 5 Red Cotton Fabric, 202 EXP
Quest Title Description Task Rewards
Stranger from the City Is this the famous workshop in the forest? In such a suburban area... Well, let's just go in. I'm a bit hungry, and my feet hurt. Deliver 1 maple morning pancake. 826 Gold, 140 EXP