FoForest Art Contest

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Art Contest DIY.PNG

Art contest cover.webp Events

Character Dialogue
DIY How have you been, little lamb?
DIY This greatness has brought great news!
DIY Aren't you curious? Of course you are! Without a doubt!
Duck Cleo III Come on! Tell us, DIY!
DIY The news is that I've made an amazing artwork overnight.
DIY It's truly one of a kind.
DIY I was so dazzled by its beauty that I thought I was going to go blind!
Duck Cleo III Really?! How beautiful and amazing is it?!
DIY No! I can't let a commoner see it, or else you might go blind!
Duck Cleo III Wow, how amazing could it be? I'm so curious!!
DIY Hmm... Oh, yes! I have an idea!
Duck Cleo III Oh! What? What is it?
DIY Let's hold an legendary Art Contest!
DIY It's a way to see if any commoners' artworks can reach up to this level of beauty...
DIY and I'll be the main judge of it!
DIY Bring your best work by next week!
Duck Cleo III Looks like DIY wants to hold an art contest.
Duck Cleo III I'm just so curious about the amazing artwork that DIY spoke of.
Duck Cleo III I must go and prepare my own artwork.
Duck Cleo III Will you be making one too?
Duck Cleo III If we work together, we could win everyone!

Quest Title Description Character Task Skip Reward
Art Contest? I think DIY wants to hold an art contest. Can you help? Duck Cleo III Listen to Duck Cleo III's story. N/A 263 Gold, 148 EXP
What Artwork Should We Make? (1/2) First, we'll need plenty of paper to sketch all our ideas. Duck Cleo III Deliver 10 papers. 10 Gem 1,013 Gold, 495 EXP
What Artwork Should We Make? (2/2) After our long brainstorming session, my head hurts. I need a short break. Duck Cleo III Deliver 3 red cotton armchairs. Deliver 2 strawberry shortcakes. 20 Gem, 44 Gem 14,093 Gold, 1993 EXP
Let's Go With This! How about a clay sculpture? We can create the framework using metal rods and leather straps then add clay to give it a shape. Duck Cleo III Deliver 5 pieces of clay. Deliver 5 metal rods. Deliver 5 leather strings. 20 Gem, 20 Gem, 15 Gem 8,468 Gold, 1779 EXP
Breaktime After standing all day and working, my legs are getting tired. How about you, my friend? Are you okay? Let's take a break for a bit. Duck Cleo III Deliver 2 fabric cushion chairs. 28 Gem 5,912 Gold, 1,072 EXP
We Did It! Finally, it's done!! We did it, my friend! Wow, look at the time! It's already dinner time. How about celebrating out work with a delicious dinner? Duck Cleo III Deliver 3 potato pizzas. Deliver 3 asparagus pasta. 24 Gem, 30 Gem 10,244 Gold, 1755 EXP

Character Dialogue
Duck Cleo III Oh no! My friend!
Duck Cleo III The artwork that was left here is GONE!!!
Duck Cleo III Where could it have gone... Can't believe it...
Duck Cleo III Huh? My friend! Look at this!
Duck Cleo III I found something!
Duck Cleo III Maybe... a clue left behind?!
Duck Cleo III Let's find the thief from this clue!

Quest Title Description Character Task Skip Reward
Stolen Art Oh no, my friend!!! Our artwork isn't here!! It's gone!!! Duck Cleo III Listen to Duck Cleo III's story. N/A 263 Gold, 1 Sunshine Atelier Paint Stain, 148 EXP
Clue Found! Let's use this clue to find the thief! Duck Cleo III Place 1 Sunshine Atelier Paint Stain. 3 Gem 543 Gold, 201 EXP
Finding The Thief (1/5) What? How can you accuse me out of nowhere? This is outrageous. Yes, I do wear dress shoes, but I was at the office working overtime all day yesterday. Wolfgang Deliver 3 Orange Peach Iced Tea. Deliver 1 Strawberry Roll Cake. 54 Gem, 29 Gem 19,692 Gold, 2423 EXP
Finding The Thief (2/5) Anpan... What a concidence. Could you... give me this? Kuman Deliver 3 vases. Deliver 5 mineral water. ? 9,059 Gold, 1681 EXP
Finding The Thief (3/5) Cough Cough... (Thompson is lying in bed with a severe cold and can't speak right now.) Thompson Deliver 1 European Royal Gold Black Tea Set. 38 Gem 11,246 Gold, 1348 EXP
Finding The Thief (4/5) When I went out to look for the primrose flowers, I did see someone's shadow. It was too dark to see their face. Huh? You want me to draw it? Wait a moment, let me get some paper and pencil... Thompson Deliver 5 papers. Deliver 5 red color pencils. 5 Gem, 10 Gem 1,868 Gold, 671 EXP
Finding The Thief (5/5) Huh? Are you suspecting me?! What did I do yesterday? Well, let me think... Hmm, you said there were footprints left behind, right? Let's compare those footprints to mine. Domas Deliver 20 blueberries. Deliver 3 fabric. ?, ? 3,387 Gold, 1 Sunshine Atelier Paint Smudge, 1185 EXP

Character Dialogue
Duck Cleo III Sigh... Can't find the thief... or the artwork...
Duck Cleo III This can't be... We must work on something new.
Duck Cleo III The deadline is soon, we have no time!
Duck Cleo III Let's work together and finish an artwork by time.
Duck Cleo III No time to think! Let's get moving!

Quest Title Description Character Task Skip Reward
One Day Before DEADLINE! (1/5) Aghh... We looked everywhere but we can't find the thief or the artwork... This isn't good. We'll have to make another piece. Duck Cleo III Listen to Duck Cleo III's story. N/A 263 Gold, 148 EXP
One Day Before DEADLINE! (2/5) Quickly, could you get these materials? I'll start working with what we have in the meantime. Duck Cleo III Deliver 5 nails. Deliver 5 yarns. Deliver 5 cotton fabric. ?, 5 Gem, 2 Gem 4,763 Gold, 1129 EXP
One Day Before DEADLINE! (3/5) We might need to pull an all-nighter at the studio. Can you make some space where we can take quick naps? Duck Cleo III Deliver 1 red cotton love seat. Deliver 3 corn soup. 24 Gem, 39 Gem 14,063 Gold, 1970 EXP
One Day Before DEADLINE! (4/5) I'm getting too sleepy... I can't stay up. Can I ask you for an alarm clock so I can take a quick nap? Duck Cleo III Deliver 3 modern leather table clocks. 69 Gem 15,837 Gold, 2109 EXP
One Day Before DEADLINE! (5/5) We now need to finish up the artwork. One last time, could you get these materials for the last touch up? Duck Cleo III Deliver 5 maple timber. Deliver 3 steel. ?, ? 20,508 Gold, 2681 EXP

Character Dialogue
DIY Ready? I've been waiting for today.
Duck Cleo III Huh?! Is that?!
Duck Cleo III Is that our artwork that was stolen?!? DIY, were you the thief?!
DIY Hahaha! Your skills have been proved through this artwork.
DIY While wandering around, I couldn't pass by this artwork, which exuded a deep, dark energy under the moonlight. It was so beautiful!
DIY Hahaha!
Duck Cleo III We were looking for it everywhere...
Duck Cleo III Can't believe it was you, DIY!
DIY Haha! Don't be sad. On one hand, your skills have been approved...
DIY For my apology, I want to give you the artwork I mentioned as a gift!
Duck Cleo III Really?! The artwork that almost blinded you? I really want to see it!
DIY Here, look! This is the great artwork!!
Duck Cleo III ......
Duck Cleo III ...What is this?
DIY It's a sculpture of this Greatness! Hahaha!
DIY As the model is marvelous, so the sculpture is! I go blind every time I look at it!
DIY An artwork this amazing will never exist again, ever!
Duck Cleo III I mean... It is a great piece, but...
DIY I must get going now, as I'm very busy. Until we meet again, adios!
Duck Cleo III Sigh... This isn't what I had expected...
Duck Cleo III But I had an amazing time making artwork with my friend.
Duck Cleo III How about you?
Duck Cleo III I knew you would feel the same way. We are connected like that.
Duck Cleo III Could you keep this artwork for us?
Duck Cleo III Although it is a great artwork, it shines when it is with you than me.
Duck Cleo III This is part of our memory, so please keep it safe.

Quest Title Description Character Task Skip Reward
The... Most Beautiful... Artwork? Hmm... Things didn't go as planned, but I really enjoyed making the artwork with you, my friend. Duck Cleo III Listen to Duck Cleo III's story. N/A 263 Gold, 1 Sunshine Atelier DIY PLaster Bust, 148 EXP

Image Name Description Size Decor Points
Paint stain.webp Sunshine Atelier Paint Stain Paint stains on the studio floor. Be careful not to slip on them! 2x2 +121
Pain smudge.webp Sunshine Atelier Paint Smudge Paint stains on the studio floor. Who spilled it on the floor? 2x2 +121
DIY bust.webp Sunshine Atelier DIY Plaster Bust A bust made in the likeness of the master. If you place it next to the master, it might be confusing to tell which one is real! 2x2 +243