Metal Furnace

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Metal Furnace.PNG

Saftey First, saftey second! Be cautious because it's hot!

Unlocked lv 19

-572 decor
Name Description Materials Needed Cost Size Decor.png Decor Points EXP Craft Table Level
Metal Rod

Metal rod.jpg

A metal rod made of iron. 1 Iron 64 Gold.PNG +96 1


Be careful, the tip is sharp! 1 Iron 64 Gold.PNG +96 1
Zigzag Kettle

Zigzag kettle.jpg

A teapot with an olive green zigzag pattern that adds a unique touch. 2 Mineral Water, 2 Metal Rod, 2 Wooden Stick 296 Gold.PNG 2x2 +47 +211 1
Simple Stand

Simple stand.jpg

A simple and basic stand that brightens up the room. 5 Cotton Fabric, 1 Metal Rod, 2 Glass 317 Gold.PNG 2x2 +50 +281 1

I can't code the pictures or the chart. I can give information for whomever codes this chart.

Cutlery Set, Experience +124, requires 1 Metal Rod and 1 Premium Wooden Stick, quote "What's for lunch today? I can't wait for it!", costs 171 gold coins