Hoof and Clover Shamrock Cafe

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Hoof and Clover Shamrock Cafe

This set was available until [Date]. All of the pieces combined cost 530 Gem.PNG and has a decor of +16358. These are all inventory slot-free items.

Name Description Cost Decor Points Size
Hoof and Clover Small Hat Rabbit Doll


The second bunny of the twin bunny dolls with a green hat. He likes a hair tie more. 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Hoof and Clover Outdoor Moving Cafe


A mobile cafe that can move anytime, anywhere! 80 Gem.PNG +4536 9x7
Hoof and Clover Cafe Cart


Cold water, coffee syrup, all indispensable removable tabletop items at the cafe. 38 Gem.PNG +1080 5x3
Hoof and Clover Round Table


Collecting clovers and drying them to create a floral crown pattern, displayed under glass tables. 26 Gem.PNG +648 3x3
Hoof and Clover Pinwheel


It's a cute clover-shaped windmill that carries luck on the wind. Could it be the reason the breeze in this cafe feels so refreshing? 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Hoof and Clover Small Clover Bundle


Wonderful clovers. Right now, it's just a small happiness, but it will continue to grow with time. 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Hoof and Clover Flower Stool


A bar stool designed to resemble a fluffy appearance. Sitting down, you'll be welcomed by a soft cushion. 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Hoof and Clover Flower Chair


Table and chair inspired by the fluffy appearance of dandelion flowers~ Time flies during tea time! 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Hoof and Clover Flower Back Chair


Chairs with a green ribbon in front, the key feature being clover-shaped. 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Hoof and Clover Cafe Notice


An information board that tells about the cafe's menu. Sometimes they draw only a clover and sell special clover tea! 31 Gem.PNG +817 4x3
Hoof and Clover Flower Basket


It's a basket where dandelions are growing a bit among the clover patch. It would be nice to think of the dandelions in this basket are lucky. 19 Gem.PNG +432 2x3
Hoof and Clover Stepping Stone


Clover-shaped stepping stones leading to the cafe. It's all individual stones, but clovers somehow grow around them wherever they are. 19 Gem.PNG +544 4x4
Hoof and Clover Blooming Stepping Stone


Clover-shaped stepping stones leading to the cafe. If left for a while, flowers bloom unexpectedly. 22 Gem.PNG +544 4x4
Hoof and Clover Teacup Lamp Post


It's a lamppost with a lantern beautifully shaped like a teacup, and it's hanging below, making it easy to detach and move even for shorter people! 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Hoof and Clover Queue Manager


Always placed beside the stepping stones, so customers line up neatly. 12 Gem.PNG +216 1x3
Hoof and Clover Cafe Entrance


Arch-shaped entrance to the cafe, adorned with numerous clovers. Be careful when moving it! 67 Gem.PNG +2997 11x4