Glass Garden Greenery

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Glass Garden Greenery

This set was available until ???. All of the pieces combined cost 422 Gem.PNG and has a decor of +10309. These are all inventory slot-free items.

Name Description Cost Decor Points Size
Glass Garden Dreaming Fawn Glass Dome


Inside the glass dome, a small fawn is sleeping peacefully. Let's be careful not to wake it up! 61 Gem.PNG +2452 6x6
Glass Garden Seedling Greenhouse


It's a glass for storing various seedlings. The humidity and temperature are always just right! 37 Gem.PNG +1089 4x4
Glass Garden Small Steel Planter


A small metal pot with flowers of different colors. It's like a little garden! 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Glass Garden Toppled Planter


Even though it fell over a long time ago, the flowers are still growing. 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Glass Garden Flowing Flower Bed


It looks like spilled water, but it's actually a beautiful flower bed! How far will it spread? 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Glass Garden Evergreen Hedge


A garden tree with green leaves, waiting for pink flowers to bloom. 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Glass Garden Evergreen Shurb


A small bush with green leaves, waiting for white flowers to bloom. 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Glass Garden Blooming Shurb


A small bush with white flowers blooming. It smells so fresh! 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Glass Garden Small Hedge


A well-maintained garden tree. The size is perfect! 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Glass Garden Small Blooming Hedge


A well-maintained garden tree with pink flowers. It looks so cute! 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Glass Garden Flowery Lamp Post


The vines grew all the way up to the lamp post! 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Glass Garden Pink Stained Glass Partition


A glass partition made with colorful glass. This one is lilac colored! 17 Gem.PNG +360 5x1
Glass Garden Yellow Stained Glass Partition


A glass partition made with colorful glass. This one is mimosa colored! 17 Gem.PNG +360 5x1
Glass Garden White Lily


A plant with white bulbs like lilies. Planting one will soon fill the garden! 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Glass Garden Hose Hanger


Flowers may be cared for by nature, but sometimes they need our help! 9 Gem.PNG +144 2x1
Glass Garden Steel Flower Cage


Seeds lost by birds have sprouted and now there are plenty of flowers growing! 19 Gem.PNG +432 3x2
Glass Garden Bird Feed Stand


Every time I see small birds coming to fill their hungry bellies, I feel happy~ 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Glass Garden Low Steel Fence


As you grow various plants, it's also important to divide the space with fences. 14 Gem.PNG +288 4x1
Glass Garden Half Circle Flower Bed


It would be even more perfect to plant flowers in the bending parts of the flower bed! 19 Gem.PNG +432 3x2
Glass Garden Half Moon Flower Bed


It would be even more perfect to plant flowers in the bending parts of the flower bed! 19 Gem.PNG +432 3x2