Fresh Lemon Lounge

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Fresh Lemon Lounge

This set was available until March 13, 2024. All of the pieces combined cost 528 Gem.PNG and has a decor of +14220. These are all inventory slot-free items.

Name Description Cost Decor Points Size
Fresh Lemon Carpet


Lemon-shaped carpet that might give off a lemon scent when stepped on! 23 Gem.PNG +570 5x3
Fresh Lemon Lemonade Maker


A cute gem-shaped lemonade dispenser. When you're thirsty, it's lemonade time! 15 Gem.PNG +304 2x2
Fresh Lemon Decor Tray


A tray decorated with lemons and flowers. When placed on the desk, it feels like a refreshing scent will waft through~ 15 Gem.PNG +304 2x2
Fresh Lemon Wall Shelf


Shelf with jam and utensils. Which jam should I spread on the bread~? 54 Gem.PNG +1944 6x6
Fresh Lemon Half Cut Chair


Chair shaped like a lemon. The white ribbon is the highlight! 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Fresh Lemon Slice Chair


Chair in the shape of a lemon slice. Sitting on it gives a lemony sensation! 18 Gem.PNG +408 3x2
Fresh Lemon Silver Tray


Silver plate filled with lemons. It smells like lemons~ 13 Gem.PNG +272 2x2
Fresh Lemon Tea Table


Side table with refreshing yellow and orange accents. The yellow ribbon is cute too~ 32 Gem.PNG +864 4x3
Fresh Lemon Flower Vase


Vase with flowers immersed in lemon juice. The flowers are infused with the scent of lemon! 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Fresh Lemon Tea Cup Basket


Basket with dishes and lemons. Place the teacups after washing! 18 Gem.PNG +408 3x2
Fresh Lemon Lemonade Stall


Stand with a large ribbon as a highlight. What kind of lemonade should I make today? 52 Gem.PNG +1800 5x5
Fresh Lemon Half Cut Table


Table that looks like it's sliced in half like a lemon. Place the lemonade on the lemon table and enjoy! 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Fresh Lemon Terrace


Terrace with a mint check pattern. Sit on the plush chair and enjoy your drink. 80 Gem.PNG +4598 9x10
Fresh Lemon Ribbon Wallpaper


Lemon wallpaper with white ribbons. Pressing it might make lemon juice come out! 40 Gem.PNG +300 N/A
Fresh Lemon White Wallpaper


Wallpaper with lemon slices as accents. The white wallpaper calms the mind~ 40 Gem.PNG +300 N/A
Fresh Lemon Sparkle Floor


Floor surrounded by pink and ivory. The material sparkles! 40 Gem.PNG +300 N/A