Dear Blossom Spring Bedroom

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Dear Blossom Spring Bedroom

This set was available until March 13, 2024. All of the pieces combined cost 326 Gem.PNG and has a decor of +16605. These are all inventory slot-free items.

Name Description Cost Decor Points Size
Dear Blossom Springtime Terrace


A terrace adorned with cherry blossom decorations capturing the spring atmosphere of the Forest of Foforest outside the window. 94 Gem.PNG +7560 14x10
Dear Blossom Blooming Bed


A single bed adorned with cherry blossoms, perfect for a refreshing spring morning. 68 Gem.PNG +3024 6x7
Dear Blossom Flower Pattern Square Carpet


A square carpet with a fresh yellow flower pattern. 25 Gem.PNG +613 6x3
Dear Blossom Small Table


A white and gold combination side table, perfectly suitable for placing small items. 22 Gem.PNG +544 4x2
Dear Blossom Flower Vase


Although there is no fragrance, looking at these flowers makes you feel that spring has come to Foforest. 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Dear Blossom Teddy Bear Doll


A cute teddy bear doll in pajamas. 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Dear Blossom Stand Lamp


An elegant stand lamp adorned with gold. 13 Gem.PNG +272 2x2
Dear Blossom Bedside Chair


A complementary chair that pairs well with the bed set. 14 Gem.PNG +288 2x2
Dear Blossom Clothes Rack


Oops, I forgot my bag and hat. Shall we go out now? 13 Gem.PNG +272 2x2
Dear Blossom Yellow Pillar


A pillar with a lively yellow color and white decoration. 38 Gem.PNG +1080 2x10
Dear Blossom Lamp Pillar


A pillar with yellow and white colors and a matching light fixture. 38 Gem.PNG +1080 2x10
Dear Blossom Full Length Mirror


On a bright morning like today, what clothes should I wear when going out? 18 Gem.PNG +408 3x2
Dear Blossom Yellow Flower Wallpaper


White relief patterns and vibrant yellow wallpaper that go well with spring. 40 Gem.PNG +300 N/A
Dear Blossom Grey Pattern Floor


Modern yellow-gray flooring. 40 Gem.PNG +300 N/A